Saturday, December 3, 2011

Uploaded videos

This video clip,brings us back to our own innocence,which is reflected in all the babies of this planet,lets take CARE of them,We can do it.Touch the child in you ,dream a dream

Friday, November 25, 2011

autumn in New England

after 20 yrs I am spending winter in NE,looking at the magnificant sunset,naked trees ,can even see across the bay,wonderful.
Thank God for all his creations

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

Blogger: User Profile: purny

Blogger: User Profile: purny
no mind state lasts only for 5 seconds when you wake up in the morning from sleep.
Then this this big Python of an Ego starts the fuel of seperation me and them
then i try to hold my breath in or out, so can rearrange my ego,s gears.
Some days it is all ego running the day,only when i am in a retreat,away from the home and so called family,self starts to dissolve and some vibrations and energetic waves emoting bliss and peace and elation start to seep into the inner realm

Bhagawan Ramana Maharshi rare video